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Friday, December 16, 2011

When ?


what is
who is
that He would Create Man
and plant him
in the Trine Garden
where the Soils of life
are a mix of convexing desires
of “Need”
for Understanding
and Acceptance

what seemingly cruelty
hast thou
bestowed upon our Soul

are we but a seed
that has yet to break through the soil
to be embraced by the Light of the Sun

i have been watered for eons
by the tears of Self
and that of the preceding crops
of my Ancestors
and those about me
before me
with me
and yet to come
for i empath the nature
of life
with every breath
every heartbeat
every created moment
of mind

is temporary at best
to what reconciliation am i being drawn ?
and just when is this arrival scheduled ?
will i ever crest this hardened furrow ?
within which the essence of me
has been planted ?

no time to think of fruit,
for it is dark in here
one step at a time

yeah . . .  time
eternity ?

i am embraced by the Mother
in the deep recesses
and most times embraced
by her warmth
but i want to breath in the open air
take in the sights of life about me
in this Garden
oh Father, when will i blossom
and bud
and what is this expectancy of heart
i have
to yield a fruit ?
will it be sweet ?


(c) 16 December 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.

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