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Saturday, December 10, 2011

here I Am

here I Am

Oh my, where is my Lorde
i have set a place at my table
at the head
yet His throne is empty

i worry not for Him,
for He is mighty
He is able
He is strong,

the seat at my table
longs for His presence
a present to all hearts

yea, my heart does pine for Him
David was not my adversary
for His affection
but my instructor
in that accord
and i am thine
and thy Lorde is mine

Oh my, where is my Lorde

softly He whispered
a thought to me
upon the scent
of Lavender, Lilac, Jasmine
and Honeysuckle

my soul removed its skirt
and donned its dinner clothes
of humility and reverence

ecstasy, a word that cannot
contain my joy
bliss as well falls short

the ambrosia of expectation
manifests and sits upon our table
waiting for us to eat
my Lorde and “I”
so i seat Him
He seats me
He completes me

and we sit bathing
in the reflective light
where truth resides
and i am filled
before i touch my plate
for i have yet to partake
of this days meal

and the wonder of my quest
haunts me with smiles
soulfully deep
lest i remember
the bequest
of my longing heart

Oh my, where is my Lorde . . .

I AM here, my child
I AM Thee
I AM All things . . . for
“I AM”

here I AM !!!!

(c) 11 December 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.

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