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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

the House with no Heat

the House with no Heat

i went outside this morning
and it was COLD
i said “DAMN”
it’s “Cold as a Witches Tit”
a saying i often heard
and repeated

i finished smoking my Cigarette
and went back in
and immediately huddled
next to the Fins
of my “Rolling Plug In Radiator”
and then . . .
i thought about
the House with no Heat
as i sat on this seat
constructing this ? Poem

my mind became adrift
and again i thought
quite a challenge now
because i was cold
caught in my own drama
but think i did just the same

i thought about those who may be living
in a House with no Heat
that’s “F’ed” up
imagine that
and i did
and i went to visit it
in my mind
that we, the inhabitants
may converse in kind
about that House with no Heat”
and i could complete
this ? poem ?

in spite of the dire-ness
of the situation
what i saw was
a sort of elation
for the children were bundled
and playing games
entertaining themselves
Momma was cooking
and Daddy was looking
at the newspaper. . .
last weeks i think

so i struck up a conversation
created some dialogue
about how Cold it was
in this House with no Heat
for i forgot to bundle up
my imagination
and i was shivering
as my imagination was slithering
back to a warm fireplace
burning brightly . . . hotly

so i asked them
how do you do it
and the all stopped
and looked at me
smiled at me
and said to me
that can’t you see
we are grateful
because last year this time
we were living in the street
with nothing to eat
so here we are
we have come so far
though we now live
in a
House with no Heat

(c) 4 January 2012 : William S. Peters, Sr.

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