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Saturday, August 4, 2012

it is open

it is open

i have watched people
in their little worlds
little minds corralled
dreaming of
what lies beyond the gate
but too fearful
to approach

we build sand castles
with a delusional wonder
holding to visions and imaginings
of distant beaches
never realizing
that those horizons of thought
are ours

never believing
that there are footprints
waiting to be made
by you, by me
upon those beaches yonder
where our wonder

we find uneasy solace
in our forced content
as we spit poisons
in our thinking
our words
our feelings
our actions
and our resolutions
toward the world
we created about us
watering down
the intoxicating strength
of life’s sacred elixir

fix her another drink
said the propagandarous bartender
who duty was to keep
the doctrines of illusion
crisp and fresh
so we would have no complaint
as we stumble through this journey
½ blinded by the world
½ blinded by consignment

we study books
news articles
looking for temporal liberties
from these walls
which close in a bit
more each day

to no avail

we the inhabitants of the asylum
clawing at the walls
of our hearts
ripping apart
the foundations of our
chromosonic cosmic imprints
that holy domicile
where all that matters

will we ever cease and desist
with the madness
we with gladness celebrate

is this the ultimate
fate of man

will we ever understand
that we are made
in a reflective image
of perfect harmony
by that which stirred the waters
and ushered forth
the exponential-ness
of you
of me
of we

many times i shake my head
first at my self

for i like you
far more than i should
in the expressions
of the illusions,
that surreal feel
for which the pigs
in the slop yard squeal

is it real
or Memorex
let me know
Text me

for next to me
stands that enigma
that ghost of Ma
many generations removed
who spoke a truth
of what some Devil
convinced her to do

and the legacy lives on
for you
for me
for every Adam
and every Madam
who works for a living
through this night-mare
selling their fare
to all takers

and while we are
awaiting the pending slaughter
by those who would have it so
perhaps that gate
will be reconsidered

it is open

© 3 August 2012 : William S. Peters, Sr.

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