Ther Vine Keeper

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

i refuse . . . how about you . . .

i refuse . . . how about you

i have listened to
most of your reasons

i have watched you embrace
and live your excuses
as you employed your brilliance,
telling charming, entertaining
fables, stories and lies
deceiving your self
while never acknowledging
your power to be greater

i have watched you
your Mother
your Father
our Ancestors
and all those souls
who met their graves early
to pave a path for you
through the wilderness
with the sacrifice of their lives

i have watched you
minimize your self
cowering in shadows
trying to hide from the light

a light
that you never
fully opened your eyes
to see . . .
that the light
your sought to evade
was that of your own

i have listened
to your exclamatory tales
and word weavings
you so graciously shared with others
your self
as you thought you were
validating your delusions
to no avail

shame on you

please stay away from my children

through your example
many about you
live an unempowered life
and they celebrate their common misery
with you
and others
at dinner tables
the corners of the neighborhoods
in our schools and universities
family reunions
and in our churches and mosques
and other such gatherings
of social impotence
where clowns
and other such entertainers
help us forget
our challenges
to become authentic
as we glorify
our self exacerbated

me . . .

i shall no longer
cloud my eyes
nor my judgment
with useless
bitching and moaning
while busying myself
casting dispersions
upon the hand i was dealt,

for it serves
no good reason
nor does it assist me
in the finding of the more powerful me
i have sought throughout my life

in my examinations
and assessments
of where i am,
i shall remain ever thankful
and filled
with an self evolving

for i am here
and i have the ability to choose
the path my mind shall take
the high road
or the low

i choose to rise
to rise above the soiled plains
of my imaginings
and my fears
and doubts
and those who would share
such ugliness with me

i will remain ever vigilant
in the seeking of that prize
that i may behold
in the reflective glass
the image of my reality
my greater self

i wish to behold
that which is expressive
of the grandness
and magnificence of this creation
this Cosmological Chaotic
Source of all things

i am the macrocosmic
as well as the microcosmic
i am the above and the below
and this is the gift of realization
that i can choose to be consciously aware
of me
for me
to me
for all

blaming . . .
blaming never accomplished
any thing good

in the end
we all must embrace this truth
that it is truly
“All about me”
and the question simply is
“what am ‘i’ going to do” . . .
me ?

i / we have watched
far too long
and i for one
refuse to cosign
to being the lesser
of who i am
can be
i refuse to be a loser

how about you ?

© 26 July 2012 : William S. Peters, Sr.

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